Terms and Conditions
Within these terms and conditions the following words have the following meanings: (You, Your): the customer or the renter of the storage unit(s). (We, we, Us, us, Our, our): Ace Storage and Logistics S.L (Goods, goods): Anything you store in one of our storage units. (Unit, unit): The storage space unit. (Start Date, start date): The first date specified on the rental contract. (Site, site): The Ace Storage and Logistics S.L premises. (Access Hours, access hours): The hours specified on the rental contract when you can access your storage. (Due Date, due date): The date specified for payment in the rental contract, or the previous business day if they due date falls on a public holiday, a Saturday or a Sunday.
2.Right of use
We only permit the person who has signed the rental contract to use the unit in accordance with our terms and conditions from the start date of the rental contract until the rental contract is terminated. You may nominate other persons to have access who must be added to the contract.
3.Storage unit inspection
You must carry out an inspection of your storage unit before storing any goods within it, and inform us if you feel it is unsuitable or damaged in any way. If this is not done, the unit will be deemed suitable and in good condition from the start date of your rental contract.
4.Storage unit access
You have access to the storage unit any time during the communicated access hours. We may change the access hours if necessary without prior notice.
5.Third party access
Any other persons wishing to access the storage unit, must have written authorisation from you, or be accompanied by you. We will require proof of identity of the person wishing to access your storage unit. We can refuse access to any unit at any time without prior notice.
6.Locking unit
You are responsible for locking the storage unit if you have delivered the goods to the unit personally. If however ACE has delivered the goods to the unit on your behalf ACE will lock the unit and keep the key in our office safe.
7.Emergency situation
We are permitted to enter any storage unit in case of emergency at any time. If repairs or maintenance are needed to the unit, which are not an emergency, we will give you a minimum of 7 days ́ notice.
8.Forced entry
We can enter any storage unit at any time by breaking the lock if we believe that you are storing prohibited goods, you are in breach of your rental contract, or if we are instructed to do so by the Police, Fire Service, Local Authorities, or by Court Order.
9.Stored goods
You confirm that the goods being stored are your own property or that you have been given authority by the owner of the goods to store them.
10.Prohibited items
You may only use the unit for storage which is not prohibited. Items which are prohibited include food or perishable goods, live creatures, combustible or flammable materials or liquids, including petrol, oil or paint, explosives, weapons or ammunition, chemicals, radioactive materials, toxic waste, asbestos, illegal substances or goods which have been illegally obtained.
11.Prohibited activities
You are not permitted to do any mechanical work of any kind in the storage unit or within our warehouse, attach anything to the walls, ceilings, floor or doors of the storage unit or make any alteration to the unit, cause any damage to the unit or allow any smell or odour to escape from the unit. The cost of any damage you make to the storage unit will be charged to you. You must not cause any obstruction within the warehouse.
12.Damage report
You must inform us as quickly as possible of any damage to the unit, and always comply with the directions of our employees at the site.
13.Moving goods
If necessary, we may ask you to move your goods from one unit to another of the same size. We will give you seven days ́ notice if goods need to be moved.
14.Fees and payment
You must pay us the fees for the minimum period of storage on signing the rental agreement and continue to pay the fees on or before the due date after the first payment. Payment should be made to the bank account of Ace Storage and Logistics S.L Sabadell, IBAN: ES28 0081 7462 5800 0222 2130.
15.Returned or refused payments
If payments are returned or refused, we will make a further charge of € 20,00 plus IVA each time your payment is returned.
16.Alteration of fees
We may alter the rental fees at any time by giving you prior notice, and the new fees will take effect on the first due date, not less than four weeks after the date of notice.
17.Non-payment of fees
If you fail to pay the fees on the due date, we may break the lock on your unit, and install a new lock without prior notice, whether we have terminated your contract or not. If we decide to exclude you from the site, you will still be obligated to pay any unpaid fees or late payment charges.
18.Outstanding fees
If fees are still outstanding one month after the due date we may: (a) Give you written notice that all goods in your storage unit will be removed if the outstanding fees have not been paid within 72 hours of posting this notice to the address stated on the rental contract. (b) Remove the goods from the storage unit and charge you the full cost of removing the goods. (c) Sell the goods on your behalf and use the proceeds of the sale to clear any outstanding fees which you owe to us. (d) Dispose of any goods unsold.
19.Agreement termination
To terminate your rental agreement, 14 days written notice must be given. If not given a further month will be charged.
20.Termination exclusions
You may not terminate your rental agreement if any fees or late payment charges are outstanding, or if you are in any way in breach of this contract.
21.Breach of contract
We may terminate your rental agreement immediately if you are in breach of any term of the contract.
22.Leaving the unit
If you terminate your rental agreement, you must leave the storage unit as you found it, empty of all goods, clean and tidy. We may charge you if goods are left in the unit or if it is not left in a clean condition.
23.Goods left
Any goods left in the storage unit after termination of your rental agreement can be disposed of by us.
24.Insurance cover
Insurance cover is compulsory and all our storage units have a standard insurance coverage included in the rental price. We offer the option to increase the insurance coverage at a monthly fee. It is your responsibility to have the appropriate insurance coverage for your stored goods.
25.Liability exclusion
We are not and will not be liable for any loss including damage, economic or consequential loss to the goods stored in the unit, whether or not the loss or damage is due to negligence or willful default by us or our employees or other customers. We will not be liable for any loss including damage, economic or consequential loss incurred by you as a result of damage or loss to your good.
26.Company negligence
The liability exclusion in condition 25 does not apply where our negligence or willful default of our employees causes you physical injury or death of any person.
You will indemnify us against all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses incurred by us or any of our employees, or which arise out of the breach of this agreement by you.
Any notice given under this rental agreement must be in writing. Any notice sent to you will be sent to the address on the rental agreement. Notices sent to us must be posted to the address set out on this rental agreement. Notices delivered personally will be served immediately, providing this rental agreement has not been breached in any way.
29.Force Majeure
Ace Storage and Logistics S.L shall not be liable for any loss or damage which is suffered as a result of the terms and conditions in the rental agreement being prevented, hindered or delayed by reason of any Act of God, riot, strike or trade dispute, labour disturbance, accident, fire, flood, breakdown of plant or machinery, difficulty in obtaining workmen, materials or transport, electrical failure or other circumstances which are outside of our control, and which affect the provision by us or the access to the storage units.
30.Exercising delay
Any delay by us in exercising our rights under this rental agreement will not be a waiver of those rights.
You may not assign any of our rights or part with possession of the unit to any other person, firm or company.
32.Changes to terms and conditions
Variation of these terms and conditions will only be accepted by us if previously agreed and confirmed in writing. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions without prior notice.
Should any one of these terms and conditions become invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining terms and conditions will not be affected in any way.
This agreement is governed by Spanish law and to the country to which the person named on the rental agreement is a customer. We submit to the jurisdiction of the Spanish courts and the courts of the country to which the person named on the agreement is a customer.
35.Joint obligations
Where the customer named on the rental agreement is two or more persons, their obligations under this agreement shall be joint and several.